Monday, April 11, 2016

Graycliff Spring Clean Up--and Season Has Started!

A BIG thank you to the many volunteers who braved the inclement weather on Saturday for  Spring Clean Up. 

 The house is much, much cleaner after the long winter, thanks to stalwart Graycliff Volunteers. 

 And just in time for the tour season, which starts today (and with a sold out tour this afternoon.)  

Welcome, returning volunteers, new volunteers, and docents-in-training, too.   (Sorry some photos are a little blurry...there's no keeping up with these speed demons!

Brian LeFauve, Graycliff Board member and Marketing Genius
Board President Chuck LeFevre with newly acquired sconce
Docent Training Co-Chair George Struebel and Marianne Myles (who's been on the injured list lately...glad to see her...)
Joe and Jimmy Kryszczuk , window clearers extraordinaire!
John Michaels, who helps in very possible way!
Jim Beardsley, Docent, Emergency Deliveries, and even Windows!
Chair of Historic Housekeeping Linda Weyand, with two name tags.....we're not likely to forget your name, Linda!
Lori Conti, who looks much better in "real life" than in this photo.  

Penny Wesley made home made coffee cake!  Rave reviews!  Everyone loved it!
Board Secretary and co-Chair of Volunteers Phyllis Spears and Stacy Tuberdyke, who's been a volunteer since she was a wee slip of a girl.
Board VP Pat Mahoney and staffer John Strawbrich, Master of Maintenance
Rhiannon and Loretta Davis---Graycliff runs in the family!
Anita Mitchell--cleaning...and researching, too!

Sue  Nickson, Washing Away!
Joan Polanowski, soon to be a docent!
Tom Browne cleans an historic light fixture; and ponders the "mystery string"

Karen Young in the Corner
Sheila Flint and Phyllis Spears share window cleaning and docenting tips with Carl Siracuse, who's going to be an excellent docent

Pizza lunch after hard work, with (l. to r.) Brian LeFauve, Chuck LeFevre, Marianne Myles, Stacy Tuberdyke, and Pat Mahoney (Diane Schrenk was reviewing the cake).

Martha Kryszczuk with official Graycliff Green Olive Pizza
George Struebel and Tom Browne at lunchtime, after fixing a door
It was also Isabelle  Martin's 147th Birthday--so a cake was in order!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Latest Graycliff News

Graycliff in the News

Graycliff is featured as one of the 15 Most Beautiful Places in Upstate New York by Thrillist.  See it for yourself here: Thrillist

Graycliff Docent Training Starts Tomorrow, Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

Spread the word to anyone who might be interested in becoming a Graycliff docent, or if you're a returning Docent and would like a refresher before the season begins, meet at the Pavilion at 9:30 am.

New this year:  Horticulturalist Nellie Gardner will give a session on Graycliff's Historic Landscape on Saturday, April 30th as part of training.

Graycliff Spring Clean Up

Next week, Saturday, April 9th, 2016 from 9:15 to about 12:30 pm.    Many of you have signed up already....if you plan to attend, please let us know.  Graycliff Spring Clean Up